Monday, February 15, 2010

Funny Floridian Firsts for February Fourteenth!

Okay, so I like alliteration. Ha ha, but yesterday was definitely a day I will never forget. So I present to you all…a series of many firsts that occurred this Valentine’s Day 2010:
• First time Valentine’s Day has been on a Sunday…okay, I know this isn’t true. But I swear I can’t remember any other time when it was on a Sunday! :)
• First time I haven’t bought a box of cheesy paper Valentines (usually Disney or Sesame Street themed) and passed them out to all of my loved ones
• First time I wore a lovely space costume instead of festive red clothing
• First time I have been in the Magic Kingdom on a “black-out day”—sooooo many people!
• First time I full-on witnessed a car accident (everyone was okay, but delivery van drivers are crazy dropping those flowers off!)
• First time I haven’t eaten any of those conversation hearts
• First time I got a Valentine from the cutest seven-year old in the world named Michael (he was a heartbreaker!)
• First time I have ever had to work until 3:15am in the morning!!
• First time I got kissed on the neck by some random Puerto Rican (yikes!)
• First time I have been in Florida for a major holiday

So there you have it...I hope everyone had an awesome Valentine's Day!! Here is a picture from the sweet Tomorrowland Valentine's Day dessert/dance party we had a few days ago--love these girls!


  1. I loved your alliteration and I loved reading your "firsts" :)

  2. Ha ha Erin hookin up with the sassy puerto ricans...did you use some of your mad spanish skills and seduce him?!

  3. I know, right!? We could never remember Valentine's Day being on a Sunday either! And what the heck is "Black-Out" Day? And about the conversation hearts...well, I ate enough for the two of us! I found some that were 'tart and tangy' this year and more flavorful and I ate a whole big bag by myself. (Thank goodness they were fat-free.) And was the kiss welcomed? Do tell! Happy Valentine's Week! Love ya!

  4. So great! I'm glad you're enjoying your Florida firsts! I'm sure there will be many more to come because Florida is just that awesome! Love you tons! :)
